Monday, October 30, 2006

Release of new web page.

Today, I am excited, as after many months of planning, our new web site is finally up and running. The past few months have been very difficult, as I was out of town on two separate occasions in Indianapolis, and once in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, documenting weddings. This was preceded by four weeks in jury duty, as well as documenting my local weddings.

I want to extend my thanks first and foremost, to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave me strength when I believed I could no longer carry on. I also want to thank my many clients, friends, and colleague, and brother Travis Broxton, from Broxton Photography in Denver, Colorado, for being inspirational to me.

In this site, I hope to open my heart to all of you as I share my passion for the art of photography.

Frank Sanchez

In The Grip of His Grace


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Frank,

Sorry it took so long to write you, things are busy here and the Lord is doing His work.

The new site looks nice.

May the Lord continue to Bless you and Keep you.

Hello to your Mom.

cheryl anne

9:19 PM  
Blogger Tanya L Dukhie said...


How grateful I am to our Father for 'connecting' us just now!

It's my prayer that our Lord Jesus Christ continues to guide you in the way you should go, and give you the strength & wisdom to 'run your race' well! Also, I pray that He keeps you "In the grip of His grace"... 24/7/365!!!

Your Sister from Guam,
Tanya Lynn Dukhie

10:02 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

They are very beautiful photos Frank

2:37 PM  

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